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Merrijig Drive
Torquay, VIC, 3228

Club Policies

Concussion Recognition & Management Guidelines for Parents and Carers

Michael Thomas

In-line with the recent announcement of the AFL’s updated 2024 Concussion Protocols, AFL Barwon has announced updated Football & Netball Concussion Protocols.

The most significant announcement detailed within the 2024 AFL Concussion Protocols was:

  • All Australian rules football competitions at all ages (i.e. adult/open competitions and all junior competitions outside AFL/AFLW), will adopt a mandatory minimum 21-day return to play protocol. This new protocol will apply for State Football competitions (including the VFL and VFLW), elite pathway competitions (including the Coates Talent League for boys and girls) and all community football competitions; and

  • Under the new community guidelines, the earliest that a player can return to play after a concussion is on the 21st day after the day on which the concussion was sustained and provided that the player has safely progressed through each phase of the return-to-play program.

In-line with this announcement, AFL Barwon has adopted:

  • The 2024 AFL Concussion Protocols for all AFL Barwon and affiliated Australian rules football competitions at all ages; and

  • Has also adopted this policy for all AFL Barwon and affiliated Netball competitions at all ages.

  • This adoption extends to practice matches, interleague and other games of any kind, of Australian Rules Football and Netball, in all forms.

Concussion is a mild brain injury, caused by trauma which results in the temporary dysfunction of the brain. When it occurs, a child may experience symptoms such as memory loss and difficulty processing information.

Trauma causing any concussion can be obvious or may be very subtle and hardly noticed.

Some possible signs of concussion:

  • Loss of consciousness

  • Seizure/convulsions

  • Amnesia

  • Headache

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Dizziness

  • Balance problems

  • Confusion

  • Fatigue

It is important to realise that a player does not need to be knocked unconscious to suffer a concussion.

Even if you think your child is not just themself, don’t rule out concussion!

  • If you observe any of these symptoms or signs in your child, see a GP as soon as possible.

  • If you observe a deterioration in these symptoms or signs go to an accident and emergency department at your nearest hospital.

Progression and Management

Concussion is a temporary brain dysfunction and will resolve with time. This may vary from and hours to several days. Occasionally, with severe injury the brain may recover more slowly.

The best treatment is initial rest from physical activity and school, with a gradual increase in activities.

The Surf Coast Suns FNC encourage anyone dealing with a suspected concussion to download

This site provides valuable information. It also enables a person to record the symptoms ensuring appropriate management is followed.

Following a concussion, it is expected a player will make a full recovery. However, there is a significant risk of permanent brain damage if a player was to sustain a second concussion before recovering from the first.

Any player who suffers a concussion or is suspected of having a concussion must be cleared by a medical doctor before returning to full training or a game.

Team Selection Policy

Michael Thomas

The Surf Coast Suns Football Netball Club (‘the Club’) is a proud member of the Surf Coast community. We take our responsibility to support and develop our players seriously, helping them become confident and capable contributors to our local community.

We aim to do this, in part, by creating teams with players of similar capability, skill and application because that’s the best way, we believe, to help them develop and realise their potential within the team environment.

The purpose of this document is to clarify and communicate this team selection process. The policy applies to all competitive age groups and will guide selection both at the start of the season and provide guidelines for any changes to be made to teams during the season. It is supported and championed by the Club through its Committee.

NB, There will always be exceptions to a policy such as this and we understand that it will need to have some flexibility around particular considerations. While recognising that there will be these one-off considerations personal requests and preferences, although maybe taken into account won’t always be able to be accommodated.

The policy is informed by the Club’s Playing Philosophy and Coaches’ Charter has been approved by the club Committee.

This policy is available to all registered players and players’ families. Any questions of or contributions to this policy should be directed to the Club’s age group Coordinators or the Director of Coaching.

Team Selection Objectives

The Club aims to provide an environment that nurtures and develops players from the youngest participants in the Under 9’s through to those representing the club at Under 18 level. The objectives of the team selection process are:

  • To provide players every possible opportunity to reach their maximum potential; and

  • To create an open and supportive line of communication between coaches, players, parents and committee.

If we get this process right then the Club believes each player and each team will be strong, competitive, resilient and that we will achieve sustained on-field success.

Team Selection

The following table details the Club’s approach to and procedures for selecting teams, by age group, at the start of the season and for any changes that might be made through the year.

Point of Contact

The Club point of contact for its approach to team selection are Age Group Coordinators and Director of Coaching.

Sports Taping Policy

Michael Thomas

Unfortunately, tape will not be provided to players for injury prevention or when returning from injury. If a player chooses to use tape, the tape is to be provided by the player. The reason for this decision is that tape can be a huge financial burden to a club, and it is not of equal benefit to all members.

Whilst the Surf Coast FNC is happy for players to use tape, we also recommend that players complete an appropriate rehab exercise program. An exercise program in consultation with a health professional will maximise the chance of regaining agility and proprioception (awareness of the position and movement of the body) reduce the need for tape and decrease the risk of re-injury.

Where a player is receiving treatment for an injury, we request that the player inform their coach of the recommended workload and advised time frames for full training and return to games.

Life Membership Policy

Michael Thomas

The Committee may elect as Life Members any Member who has rendered special and distinguished service to the Club. Other key information outlined in the Constitution is:

  • To be nominated for Life Member, a member must have been a financial member for a period of not less than five years

  • At least 75% majority vote of the Committee is required to elect a Life Member

  • A Life Member shall enjoy the full privileges of the Club without paying any subscription

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Code of Conduct

Brett Wignall


The Club Code of Conduct is non-negotiable and applies to all our officials, volunteers, members and supporters. 

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Complaints Policy and Procedures

Michael Thomas


The aim of this policy and associated procedures is to provide a framework for ensuring that any complaints or grievances brought forward by Surf Coast Suns Football and Netball Club (SCSFNC) members are dealt with in a timely and fair manner in accordance with the Constitution of the SCSFNC. Persons who may utilise this process include:

• Committee Members

• Club members

• Stakeholders

• Sponsors

• Community Members


The SCSFNC accepts that club members and other community members may have reason for a complaint or grievance with the club that requires resolution. In the spirit of maintaining good relationships with members and the wider community the SCSFNC maintains that:

• All people have the right to have any complaint given careful consideration through a process that is both timely and respectful.

• All efforts will be made to achieve a co-operative resolution in an informal manner prior to lodgment of any formal complaint in writing to the club.

• Any person who makes a complaint to the club will not be treated adversely or suffer disadvantage as a result.

• In the event of a formal complaint being made, the SCSFNC Committee will consider this grievance in a timely and confidential manner.

• The SCSFNC Committee will document the steps required to achieve resolution.


Steps to making a complaint

The following steps are possible actions to be taken to make a complaint.

• The aggrieved party should first speak to the person(s) causing the problem if this is appropriate and they are comfortable doing so. This discussion should be used to inform the other party of the behavior or action that the complaint refers to and discuss potential solutions.

• Speak to an SCSFNC Committee member of the problem faced for advice on intervention and/or solution.

• Make a formal complaint to the SCSFNC Committee in writing using the Complaints Form.

• Seek in good faith to resolve the grievance with a mediator.


In the event a complaint cannot be resolved in an informal manner, the process to be followed will be completed on the basis of openness, confidentiality, equality, respect and in a timely manner.

Formal Complaint Procedure

Should the aggrieved party wish to make a formal complaint, this must be done in writing, and submitted to the Secretary via, unless the grievance concerns the Secretary directly then is should be submitted to the President via

Resolution Procedures

• Upon receipt of a formal written complaint, this will be referred to the President. If the matter directly concerns the President then it will be referred to the Vice President and the President shall not contribute to the process on behalf of the Club.

• A meeting shall be arranged between the parties within 14 days of lodging of the complaint.

• Should the matter remain unresolved after this meeting, the parties must hold a meeting in the presence of a mediator.

• The mediator must be selected in accordance with the Constitution and be:

o A person chosen by agreement to all parties, and in the absence of agreement:

• In the case of a dispute between two members; a person appointed by the SCSFNC Committee

• In the case of a dispute between a member and the club; a person who is a mediator appointed or employed by the Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria (Department of Justice).

o A member of the club can be a mediator, unless they are a party to the dispute

• All parties must in good faith attempt to settle the dispute by mediation.

• The mediator must

o Give all parties every opportunity to be heard

o Allow due consideration of any written material submitted

o Ensure that natural justice is accorded to all parties

• The mediator must not determine the dispute

• Either party may seek independent advice through this process


While our Club makes every effort to get things right, sometimes problems occur. We have in place a complaints procedure that is intended to resolve any problem quickly and fairly. To ensure a swift response/resolution please complete the form below.

Your name

Your complaint will be acknowledged within 5 business days. An outcome or detailed update including next course of action will be provided within ten working days. A Club representative may contact you to obtain more information or clarification. If this occurs and more time is required, you will be provided with a detailed process that will be followed. All complaints are taken seriously in accordance with the Club Rules regarding grievance procedures and will dealt with in a confidential manner.

Child Safe Policy

Michael Thomas

At the Surf Coast Suns Football and Netball club we have zero tolerance for child abuse and are committed to acting in children’s best interests and keeping them safe from harm.  The club regards its child protection responsibilities with the utmost importance and is committed to providing the necessary resources to ensure compliance with all relevant child protection laws and regulations and maintain a child safe culture. 

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Communications and Privacy Policy

Brett Wignall

Communications and Privacy

Players and/or parents will be contacted by the Surf Coast Suns Football Netball Club to ensure that relevant and necessary information relating to operations of the club shall be passed on in an open and transparent manner. Communications may be issued through a variety of platforms:

  • Email
  • Text message
  • Phone
  • In person
  • Newsletter
  • Website
  • Facebook
  • Purpose built sporting applications

It is advised that all players and/or parents should have current email addresses and phone numbers updated as necessary, to ensure effective communication.

The Surf Coast Suns Football Netball Club will at no time give out any personal contact details of any player or parent to any third party. From time to time, the Surf Coast Suns may pass on information from a third party, if they see it as relevant to the club or our sponsors.

The Surf Coast Suns may from time to time pass on contact details of a Committee Member, Coordinator, Coach or Team Manager to a third party, only if it is relevant to that person’s role within the club.

Social Media

The Surf Coast Suns Football Netball Club may take photos and/or video of players, parents and volunteers relating to the club. These images may be used through various platforms such as:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Website
  • Newsletters
  • Promotional materials

If you do not want any images of you or your child used in this way, you must contact the club in writing to advise of this.

Should any photo of you or your child be used on Facebook or other medium that you are not happy with, please advise the club immediately and it will be removed at the earliest possible time available to do so.


From time to time a journalist or other person may contact you for a comment or question relating to the Surf Coast Suns Football Netball Club. If this happens, please contact the most senior club representative available, who will advise who is the best person for them to talk too.

Occasionally a journalist from a newspaper, television channel or other medium may film or photograph anyone from the club. If you notice anyone filming or taking photos, at games or events, please put them in touch with the most senior person from the club who is present, who will enquire about the situation. This could be a Team Manager, Coach, Parent Helper or Committee Member.

Articles or filming may take place by a media outlet without the Club knowing. Please be advised that there is little that we can do about this and the Suns recommend you contacting the media outlet personally, should there be any image you wish to be removed.

Media Contact

Please direct all media enquiries through the Club President who will advise on the appropriate course of action.


Working with Children Policy

Brett Wignall

Working with Children Policy



In 2017, the Victorian Working with Children Act 2005 was changed. We believe the changes are positive for sporting clubs such as ourselves.

All volunteers who are in direct contact with children are now required to have a current working with children check.

The working with children check assists in protecting children from sexual or physical harm by ensuring that people who work with, or care for, them are subject to a screening process. 

Working with Children

The Surf Coast Suns FNC require all volunteers in the following positions to hold a current working with children check:

  • Committee Members

  • Coaches

  • Assistant Coaches

  • Team Managers

  • Designated First Aid Attendants

  • Runners

  • Trainers

  • Auskick Coordinators

  • NetSetGo Coordinators

  • Any other volunteer who has direct contact with children

    The Surf Coast Suns Football Netball Club will maintain records of working with children checks and ensure that they are current. 

No volunteer will be able to assist in any way, until a copy of a current check or application number has been given to the Secretary of the club either in person or via the email address listed in step 7 below.

The only exception to this rule, is if any of the volunteers mentioned in the list above are themselves below the age of 18.

In addition to our volunteers holding a current working with children check, no single volunteer from the club shall be allowed to be left alone with any child unless that child is their own. 

How to Apply for a Check

To apply for a working with children check please follow the following steps.

  1. Visit

  2. Click “Apply for a check”

  3. Click “Apply in Victoria”

  4. Fill in the application form and verify your identity online. When it comes to entering organisation details, please enter the following:

    • -  Organisation Details: Surf Coast Suns FNC

    • -  Postal Address: PO Box 162, Torquay, VIC, 3228

    • -  Phone: 0411 044 995

  5. Check your inbox for an email from with instructions on how to finalise your application at Australia Post

  6. Attend a participating Australia Post outlet, have your photo taken (at no charge to you) and pay the application fee if you are applying for an Employee Check. There is no application cost for volunteers of sporting clubs.

  7. Provide your working with children check application number to the Surf Coast Suns. Once you have received your card, a photo or photocopy of the card must be emailed to

NetSetGo Policy

Michael Thomas

NetSetGo Policy

The Surf Coast Suns NetSetGo sessions are a great way to introduce boys and girls to netball. In a safe environment, kids will have fun while developing fundamental motor skills and learning how to interact socially with other kids.

NetSetGo is open to kids from 5-10 years of age and your children will learn the basic skills of netball such as:

  • Throwing, passing and catching

  • Take off and landing

  • Pivot

  • Change of direction

  • Goal shooting

  • Movement skills

  • Team work

  • Communication

The Suns NetSetGo Coordinator will encourage kids through positive interactions and will not tolerate bullying or harassment of any sort. 

Player Code of Behaviour

By registering your child in the Suncorp NetSetGo competition you agree that your child understands and will adhere to the Player Code of Behaviour:

  1. Play within the spirit of the game and by the rules of the competition.

  2. Never argue with a coordinator, coach or volunteer parent/guardian.

  3. Do not bully or take unfair advantage of another participant.

  4. Show respect to all participants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion. 

Parents and Spectators Code of Conduct

By registering your child in the Suncorp NetSetGo competition you agree that you will adhere to the Parents and Spectators Code of Conduct:

  1. Encourage children to participate regardless of ability.

  2. Encourage participants to always play by the rules.

  3. Never ridicule mistakes or losses.

  4. Remember that participants learn best by example. Applaud good play by all participants

  5. Always discourage racial abuse.

  6. Recognise the value and importance of volunteers.

  7. Remember that participants play for fun and are not miniature professionals.

  8. Condemn the use of violence in any form, be it by spectators, coaches, officials or players.

  9. Demonstrate exemplary behaviour by not using foul language, or harassing participants, coaches or officials.

  10. Refrain from smoking or consuming alcohol whilst spectating. 


You consent to the Surf Coast Suns using your child’s name or image in any form or medium for general marketing and promotional activities. If you do not wish to consent to your child’s name and image being used please notify the Surf Coast Suns NetSetGo Coordinator immediately.

Session Times

NetSetGo session times are held on Friday evenings from 5-600pm at Banyul-Warri Fields in Torquay. The first session will commence on the first Friday of the second school term resuming and will run for 15 weeks. NetSetGo will have a two week break during the winter school holiday period

Parent Participation

Kids are better supported to develop their skills and enjoy themselves more when parents and carers get involved in the planned sessions and activities. From time to time, you will be asked to help with running NetSetGo sessions. 


We run a BBQ every Friday night for NetSetGo sessions. This is a great way for the club to raise a bit more funding to be spent on more equipment. You may be asked to assist in cooking and serving at our BBQs. 

Junior Netball Policy

Brett Wignall

Junior Netball Policy




One of the aims for netball is to field teams in each junior age group. Games are played on Friday nights, at the Kardinia Park netball courts in Geelong, except for under 11’s, who play on Tuesday evenings at the same venue.

All players and coaches must have a current Victoria Netball Association (VNA) registration and club membership before you will be allowed to play. Registrations will be open in February in the year of the season. 

Age Groups

The following sets out the minimum and maximum ages for each level. While it is preferred that all players will play in their appropriate age group, from time to time there will be exceptions. This will be done in consultation with players, parents, coaches and the President or Junior Netball Coordinator and only if balancing out team numbers is required. Permission from a parent or carer must be given before any child can play up an age group. No player will play up more than one age group. 

  • U11 - must turn 9 by the 30th April in the year of competition. Must not turn 12 until the year following the year of competition.
  • U13 - must turn 12 or 13 in the year of competition. Must not turn 14 until the year following the year of competition.
  • U15 - must turn 14 or 15 in the year of competition. Must not turn 16 until the year following the year of competition.
  • U17 - Must turn 16 or 17 in the year of competition. Must not turn 18 until the year following the year of competition.

Team Placement

We will endeavour to meet all requests for team placement where possible, however teams will be formed with the preferences given to the following:

  • Siblings, cousins and other family members

  • Balance of numbers and skill level across teams

  • Peer requests 

Under 11’s

At this level, the focus of the Surf Coast Suns FNC is on having fun and developing fundamental skills in Netball.

Performance of players is measured by the improvement in developing skills and their commitment to training and listening in a team environment.

To this extent, every effort will be made by our coaches and team manager’s to:

  • Ensure that each player is given equal playing time, regardless of ability

  • Ensure each player is given every opportunity to be involved in the game to the best of their ability

  • Develop an inclusive team culture 

Under 13’s, 15’s & 17’s

The focus in these age groups is still to have fun. There will be an increased focus on fine tuning skills and teams will endeavour to be competitive against opposition teams.

Performance of players is measured by the improvement in developing skills and their commitment to training and listening in a team environment.

To this extent, every effort will be made by our coaches and team manager’s to:

• Ensure that each player is given equal playing time, provided that every effort has been made to attend training sessions

• Ensure that each player is given every opportunity to be involved in the game to the best of their ability

• Develop an inclusive team culture 


The focus of both pre-season and regular-season training will be on skill development and creating bonds of friendship and a culture of inclusiveness, regardless of a player’s ability.

Players are encouraged to listen to their coaches during training and respect that they are volunteers doing the best job they can.

Training sessions are held at the Banyul-Warri Fields netball courts in North Torquay. Each player must wear appropriate training gear, including sports runners. If a Surf Coast Suns training top has been provided, then it is preferred that these will be worn at training sessions.

Capping Team Numbers

To help achieve the objectives of this policy, team numbers will be capped in accordance with the following:

  • All age groups will have a maximum of 11 players registered to each team

  • If 11 players are available to play games, each player must play a minimum of half a game playing time, provided that, they have shown a commitment to training sessions

  • If there is an excess of players above the cap in each team and we are unable to form an additional team in that age group, at the Coaches discretion, they may introduce a rostering system, whereby players may be rostered off for one week

  • No player will be rostered off more than once in a season 


Players are requested to arrive at the Kardinia Park netball courts no later than 20 minutes prior to scheduled game times. Each week, the team manager will advise players of the game time and court number they will be playing on. This can be done via text message, in person or email. Information can also be found on the MyNetball App.

From time to time, when the Geelong Cats Football Club has a Friday night game scheduled at Kardinia Park, netball games will be cancelled. While not compulsory, it is very much appreciated in this situation that 5-6 netball players assist with developing our young players at NetSetGo sessions. NetSetGo sessions are run on Friday nights, between 5-600pm at the Banyul-Warri Fields Netball courts or if raining, indoors at the high school hall. 

Please be aware that all players, coaches, parents, volunteers and supporters must abide by the Surf Coast Suns Code of Conduct. 

Auskick Policy

Brett Wignall

The Surf Coast Suns Auskick sessions are a great way to introduce boys and girls to Australian Football. In a safe environment, kids will have fun while developing fundamental motor skills and learning how to interact socially with other kids.

Auskick is open to kids from 5-12 years of age, although most kids tend to begin playing football by age 8 or 9.

The Suns Auskick Coordinator will encourage kids through positive interactions and will not tolerate bullying or harassment of any sort. 

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Junior Football Policy

Brett Wignall

Junior Football Policy



Playing in U9, U10 or U12 Age Groups

At this level, the focus of the Surf Coast Suns FNC is on having fun and developing fundamental skills in Australian Rules Football. There is no finals or ladder in these age groups and it is regarded as non- competitive football.

Performance of Suns players is measured by the improvement in developing skills and their commitment to training and listening in a team environment.

To this extent, every effort will be made by our coaches and team manager’s to:

  • Ensure that each player is given equal playing time, regardless of ability

  • Ensure each player is given every opportunity to be involved in the game to the best of their ability

  • Develop an inclusive team culture

Playing in the U14 & U16 Age Group

Under 14’s is the age when the competition becomes competitive. The focus will still be about further developing skills in Australian Rules Football, whilst introducing game tactics and fitness. While there will be an increased focus on becoming competitive against opposition teams, it is also important that the kids are still having fun.

The first four rounds of the season are grading rounds, which will carry 2 premiership points and zero percentage. The remainder of the season, each game will be worth 4 premiership points and include percentage. A ladder will be updated by AFL Barwon and finals are introduced at this age level. 


  • U9 and U10 players will rotate through each of the three zones at least once per game

  • U9 and U10 teams will be capped at 20 players per team

  • U12 teams will be capped at 22 players per team

  • U14 & U16 teams will be capped at 25 players per team

  • U12 and U14 teams be given an opportunity to play in a variety of positions, to ensure skills continue to develop

  • If there is an excess of players above the cap in each team and we are unable to form an additional team in that age group, at the Coaches discretion, they may introduce a rostering system, whereby players may be rostered off for one week. No player will be rostered off more than once in a season.

Age Groups

The following sets out the minimum and maximum ages for each level. While it is preferred that all players will play in their appropriate age group, from time to time there may be exceptions. This will be done in consultation with players, parents, coaches and the President and/or Junior Football Coordinator and only if balancing out team numbers is required. Permission from a parent or carer must be given before any child can play up an age group. No player will play up more than one age group. 

  • U9 - must turn 7 by 30th April in the year of competition. Must not turn 10 until the year following the year of competition.

  • U10 - 10 in the year of competition. Must not turn 11 until the year following the year of competition.

  • U11 - must turn 11 or 12 in the year of competition. Must not turn 13 until the year following the year of competition.

  • U14 - must turn 13 or 14 in the year of competition. Must not turn 15 until the year following the year of competition.

  • U16 - must turn 15 or 16 in the year of competition. Must not turn 17 until the year following the year of competition.

Team Placement

We will endeavour to meet all requests for team placement where possible, however teams will be formed with the preferences given to the following:

  • Siblings, cousins and other family members

  • Balance of numbers and skill levels across teams

  • Peer requests 


The focus of both pre-season and regular-season training will be on skill development and creating bonds of friendship and a culture of inclusiveness, regardless of a player’s ability. This is particularly the case in non-competitive age groups, where there will be a clear focus on player enjoyment and having fun.

Parents and carers are encouraged to help with training sessions in consultation with coaches. 

Game Day

Please ensure you arrive at the venue no later than 30 minutes prior to the game commencing.


Please be aware that all players, coaches, parents, volunteers and supporters must abide by the Surf Coast Suns Code of Conduct. 

Emergency Procedure Banyul-Warri Fields

Brett Wignall

Emergency Procedure Banyul-Warri Fields


In the event of an ambulance or emergency services vehicle being required at Banyul Warri Fields for an incident please follow the steps below to gain access to the swipe card for the bollard and key to the sports fields’ gates or netball courts which is located in the Medical Room downstairs at Grant Pavilion:

  1. Call 000, for Polwarth Oval or the Netball Courts the address is 1 Kuwarrk Lane. For Grenville Oval, access via Yallock Circit.

  2. The lock code for the box (which is on the wall to the right of the

    defibrillator) containing the swipe card and gate key is 2413.

  3. Once you have the swipe card, proceed to the bollard activation box at the start of Kuwarrk Lane and when the emergency vehicle arrives swipe it in. NOTE, as at season start 2023 the bollard is not in use since the Pavillion development.

  4. If access is required to sports fields or netball courts proceed to gate and unlock using the ORANGE Council Key.

  5. Please replace both the swipe card and the key back in the lock box when the emergency event is over.

  6. Please notify the Surf Coast Suns Club President ( of any incidents requiring an ambulance or emergency services as soon as possible after the emergency has occurred.