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Merrijig Drive
Torquay, VIC, 3228

2018 Hoodie Order

Club News

2018 Hoodie Order

Michael Thomas

G'day Suns,

I've had a couple of enquiries about purchasing hoodies this year. If you want to purchase a hoodie for yourself, kids, extended family etc, please send an email to by no later than Sunday 22nd April 2018. They should only take a couple of weeks to get printed from then.

The following sizes are available.

Kids: 4-16

Mens: XS - 3XL

Womens: 8-16

The cost of all hoodies is

$55.00 - No name printed

$60.00 - With name printed on the back

On your email, please indicate the type (kids, mens or womens), the size, the quantity of each size and if you would like a name printed on the back.

Thanks for getting back to me as soon as you can. We were hoping to have an online store set up by an external supplier, unfortunately we have been let down completely by them and as such will be doing a once off order for the year.

Payment can be made into the Suns bank account.

Surf Coast Suns FNC

BSB: 633 000

ACC: 156 898 371


